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The object of the “Charles D. Duffy, Branch No. 11, of Chicago” shall be to unite all Letter Carriers and non-supervisory employees of the United States Postal Services in this Branch. We will make a consolidated effort to better all working conditions; to promote harmonious relationships between the Postal Service and our membership, and to assist our National Association of Letter Carriers in their efforts for the welfare of our entire membership.

– Branch 11 By-Laws

The Branch Hall will operate on an alternative schedule during the days of the National Convention beginning Monday, August 05 thru Friday, August 09.  


Members may contact the hall by phone, 7:30 AM – 4 PM Monday thru Friday during the week of the Convention.  The uniform closet likewise will not be open during the Convention.

The Branch Hall will operate on an alternative schedule during the days of the National Convention beginning Monday, August 05 thru Friday, August 09.  


Members may contact the hall by phone, 7:30 AM – 4 PM Monday thru Friday during the week of the Convention.  The uniform closet likewise will not be open during the Convention.