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The Team

Elise M. Foster - President

Active Letter Carrier at Cesar Chavez (Pilsen) Station with 30 years of service. Currently serving the members as the 1st Women President of Branch 11. Previously served as Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Formal Step A designee and grievances lead for Branch 11. Trained as a NALC Arbitration Advocate Served on the 2008 Chicago District MIARAP and Chicago District Joint Safety Committee. Served on Branch 11 By-Law Committee Graduate of the NALC Leadership Academy Class 6 and attended the Regina V. Polk Advanced Women’s Conference for the Leadership and Development of Women in Labor. Attended Local, State and National training sessions, as well as National Rap sessions. Delegate to several State and National Convention starting in 2004 (Hawaii) Delegate to Illinois and National AFL-CIO convention. NALC Super Delegate Letter Carrier Political Fund contributor (LCPF) “Gimmie 5” and IPALC $1000 K-Club Member. NALC Health Benefit Plan Member Recipient of the following awards Florence Criley Award Regina V. Polk Alumna Award 2015 Dave Bybee Award NALC President’s Award Rev. Addie Wyatt Award 2020 CFL Woman of the Year Asst. Secretary of CBTU Coalition of Black Trade Unionists Executive Board Member and Delegate of Chicago Federation of Labor Member of the Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW) Executive Board Member of the Regina Polk Foundation

Ronald L. Morgan Jr. - Vice President

United States Airforce Veteran. Active Letter Carrier from Lincolnwood/Edgebrook Carrier Annex with 24 years of service and NALC membership. Currently serving the members of Branch 11 as the Vice President. Previously served as the OWCP Rep, Arbitration Advocate, backup Step B Representative, and the Illinois State Association Delegate-At-Large. Graduate of the NALC Leadership Academy Class 17. Attended multiple regional trainings for stewards as a participant and as an Instructor. Delegate to State and National Conventions. Recipient of the Dave Bybee Award in 2018 and the President's Award in 2017. Participated in national steward training, acting as a Local Business Agent (LBA). Letter Carrier Political Fund contributor “Gimme 5” and IPALC $250 Club member. NALC Health Benefit Plan Member.

Yolanda R. Cavett - Recording Secretary

Active Letter Carrier at Jackson Park Station with 30 years of service. Currently serving the Branch as Recording Secretary. Previously served as Assistant Secretary-Treasurer, Health Benefits Rep, Head Trustee, Formal A Designee and headed Branch 11 Recreation Committee. Graduate of the *NALC Leadership Academy and attended the Regina V. Polk Women’s Conference for the Leadership and Development of Women in Labor. Completed National Secretary-Treasurer training. Delegate to several National and State Conventions. NALC “Super Delegate”: member of COLCPE Gimme 5, E-Activist and the Carrier Corp. Member of the IPALC $500 Club, and member of NALC Health Benefit Plan and NALC MBA. Delegate to the 2012 IL AFL-CIO convention.

Safford Price, Jr. - Treasurer

An active letter carrier for 26yrs at Loop station section 5. I am a proud member and officer of Branch 11, currently serving as TREASURER since 2010. I am also the Branch 11 representative for the M-39 Route Adjustment Process and former NALC Chicago District Lead Team Representative for IARAP and MIARAP processes. I have held down several state and national committee positions since becoming a delegate in 1996. Currently the chairman of the Uniform committee at National conventions. A graduate of the *NALC Leadership Academy in 2005, and completed the NALC Secretary/Treasurer training. I have conducted trainings for new stewards and route adjustments at the local and state seminars. A member of the E-activist network and annual contributor to IPALC, LCPF, and MDA. I am a member of the NALC Health Benefit plan and a veteran of the armed forces. I am humbled and pleased to have been given the opportunity to serve the members of Branch 11 for another term. We have made great strides over the past 10 yrs and together we will continue moving this Branch forward.

Tyrone Valdez - Director of City Delivery

Active Letter Carrier at the Roberto Clemente Station with over 25 years of service. Currently serving as the Director of City Delivery, Safety and Health Representative. Previously served as an Area Steward and Union steward from 2016-2018. Appointed as a Branch Auditor in 2020. I have attended many local, regional and National trainings. I am a recent graduate of the NALC Leadership Academy Class 26. Graduated from the 1st NALC Region 3 Leadership Academy. Graduated and certified as an Arbitration Advocate for Region 3. Delegate to State and National Conventions. Letter Carrier Congressional Liaison, Letter Carrier Political Fund contributor “Gimme 5” and IPALC $250 Club member. NALC Health Benefit Plan Member.

James Williams - Assistant Secretary-Treasurer

Active Letter Carrier at James E. Worsham Station with 18 years of service. Current Worsham station steward and Trustee of Branch 11. Served the NALC as COR Tech in the Joint Alternative Route Adjustment Process. Attended many Branch 11 and State training sessions. Delegate to several State and National Conventions. NALC “Super Delegate”: member of COLCPE Gimme 5, E-Activist and the Carrier Corp. Contributor to IPALC and NALC Health Benefit Plan member.

Sheila Hudson - MBA Representative

I began my carrier at the Post Office in 1987 as a Clerk at the West Suburban facility. I advanced my career as a City Letter carrier at Pilsen (Cesar Chavez) July 14th, 1990. I moved my skills in August 1990 to Triple C (section 6) and finally I decided to make one more move in April of 1993 to my current location, Graceland Carrier Annex. I have been working for the United States Postal Service for 33 years and an active member of NALC for 30 years. Chief Steward Graceland Annex Carrier – 2009 to Present, NALC Board Trustee (Branch 11) – 2012 to 2014, NALC Breast Cancer Committee Member – 2012 to Current, NALC Head Trustee (Branch 11) – 2014 to 2020, EEO Advisor – 2014 to Current Area Steward – 2016 to Current (Northeast Area), EAP Advisory Committee (Current Position), MBA Coordinator – 2020, 250 Club Member Participant, COLCPE Participant, CFC Participant, Union Steward of The Year – 2010, President’s Awards – January 16, 2016, Community Service Award – June 17, 2016

Dominique O. White - Health Benefit Rep

I began my career with the United States Postal Service as a letter Carrier and member of the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) in 1995. During my postal career, I served as the station's safety captain, a representative for the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), and an On-the-job instructor. Graduated from the NALC Leadership Academy (class 24) in 2019. Currently, I hold several positions as an officer of Branch 11, Health Benefits Representative, Formal Step A Designee, served as an instructor during Region 3 fall training 2022, mentor/instructor for Region 3 Leadership Academy 2023, Area Steward, NALC Food Drive coordinator, Breast Cancer Fundraiser committee, and the Employee Assistant Program committee (EAP). In 2020, I received the David M. Bybee Award and President's Award in 2022. I have taken the Regina V. Polk Women's Conference for Leadership and Development of Women in Labor (class of 2017) and the Women in Power Advanced Leadership courses run by the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign's Labor Education Program. (class of 2022) Outside of my union, I am a delegate of the Chicago Federation of Labor (CFL), a member of the Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW), and currently serving as President of the Chicago Chapter of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists (CBTU) and CBTU Region 6 Women's Committee Chairperson. I strive for excellence and am committed to taking on new challenges and furthering the fight in the labor movement.

Peter J. Skrzypczynski - Director of Retirees

As of this year, a Gold Card retiree with 42 years active service (1st 5 at Rogers Park, the remaining at Elsdon Station). Currently serving as Director of Retirees. Previously as: Elsdon Station Steward, “Branch 11 News” Editor, Branch 11 Scribe, Auditor, Trustee, Health Benefit Representative, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer, and Recording Secretary. Also was Il 4th Congressional District Liaison for several years, Delegate to State and National Conventions since 1984 (serving on several committees), attended many training sessions and workshops, contributor to COLCPE/LCPF and IPALC since their conception (currently in the $500 IPALC Club). Also was Chairman of the last in-person election of Branch 11 Officers (1988). Also, an active supporter of Employee Assistance Program as a member of the Chicago District Advisory Committee. Presently holding workshops for Branch 11 members throughout the year helping them in the retirement process.

Robert Fuentes - "Head" Trustee

Proud United States Army Veteran. Active Carrier for 13 years at the Elsdon Station and currently serving 2nd term as Union Steward. Served as Delegate to the 2012 National Convention and attended Steward training sessions and workshops. Actively attended Wisconsin’s rallies against union busting. Recently selected to serve as a Postal Academy Instructor. Member of COLCPE and the E-Activist network. Elsdon Station coordinator for the annual Satchel Day and Labor Day picnic, and contributor to the Branch 11 food drive

Derek Sykes - Trustee

Elected Trustee in 2018. Member of the Joint Route Adjustment Process in the Chicago Distract. Previously served as food drive and activity coordinator for Chicago Lawn Station. Branch 11 election committee in 2012.I am a certified ON THE JOB INSTRUCTOR (OJI). A member of the E-Activist Network. Member of the 250.00 IPALC, LCPF, and MDA.I am a member of the NALC HEALTH CARE BENEFITS.I am a NALC "Super Delegate”. Member of COLCPE gimme 5. Was on the 2016 national convention committee in Los Angeles. Was elected to trustee in 2019.Chief union steward at Loop station. Served as the head Sargent at arms at the 2022 National Convention in Chicago. Was named the 2022 “Steward of the Year “. Served on the teller committee in the 2024 national convention in Boston.

Karen Ceska - Trustee

Active Letter Carrier at Loop Station, Section 5, with 30 years of service, and current, Branch 11, Trustee, and Formal Step A Representative in the grievance process. Former Branch 11 MBA Representative, Legislative Liaison for the 3rd Congressional District of Illinois, Step B Representative for the NALC in the grievance process, and Union Steward and Assistant Union Steward at the Mt. Greenwood/Alsip Station, and served on the MIARAP Team in the Chicago District. Attended all Branch 11 and State Training sessions. Delegate to several National and State Conventions, IPALC $500 Club contributor, and NALC “Super Delegate”: member of COLCPE Gimme 5, E-Activist and the Carrier Corp; and member of NALC Health Benefit Plan and NALC MBA.

Erika Estrada - "Head" Auditor

Presently serving as a fulltime NALC Formal Step-A Designee and Editor of Branch 11 Newsletter. Also Chief Union Steward at Wicker Park Station. Graduate of NALC Leadership Academy - Class 13. Attended the Regina V. Polk Women’s Conference for the leadership and development of women in Labor in 2015. I have attended many local, State and National trainings. Graduated and certified as an Arbitration Advocate for Region 3 in March 2015. I have served on the District Safety Committee in 2013, Certified OJI since 2014, Food Drive Co-Coordinator and MDA Fundraiser since 2011. Delegate to State and National Conventions as of 2011. IPALC contributor and member of the $250 IPALC CLUB as well as a COLCPE (Gimme 5) contributor. E-Activist and member of the NALC Health Benefit Plan.

Shanaya Benson - Auditor

Active letter carrier and NALC member for 8 years. Former City Carrier Assistant. Present Chief Steward at the Otis Grant Collins station. Believing in the power of knowledge, I have attended several branch and regional trainings. Participant of the first NALC Region 3 Leadership Academy and instructor for regional fall training. Represented the membership in the EEO process. LCPF and IPALC contributor. Mutual Benefit Association member. Favorite quote: “If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything.”

Charles L. Bundy - Auditor

Letter Carrier 29 + years at James E. Worsham where I served in the capacity of assistant Stewart for a year and a half and the Chief Stewart for 6 and a half years and counting. Former, Formal Step-A Rep. I am also Currently, serving as an area steward as well as an Officer, (auditor) for the Branch. Elected as a State Officer (Alternate Delegate at large) in June of 2023. Graduate of the class of 2023 Area 3 Regional Leadership Academy. Steward of the Year 2018. I have also completed Region 3 Advanced Formal-A training class, Region Stewart training classes. Part of the NALC New Generation Vehicle Team, I was one out of the 21 carriers chose Nationwide to test the New Generational vehicle for the Postal Service 2021-2022. US Navy Vet. Member of Branch 11 $ 500.00 club and contributor to LCPF. A member of the NALC Health Benefit Plan member.

Brina Archie - SGT @ Arms

City Letter Carrier at 22nd Street Station with 23+ years of service. Appointed as Sergeant-at-Arms of Branch 11 by President Foster. Currently serving the members in various capacities as a Formal A Designee, Chief Steward of 22nd Street Station, Area Steward, Safety Captain & Letter Carrier Political Fund Coordinator. I’ve taken opportunities to enhance my learning and attended the following: Steward’s Training, Regina V. Polk Women in Labor Conference, Region 3 Spring Training, Region 3 Advanced Formal A Training, & Region 3 Leadership Academy. Member of the IPALC $500 Club and contributor to LCPF. I choose to “Live ON PURPOSE”

Michael Caref - National Business Agent

James Worsham - President Emeritus

James Canada - President Emeritus

Union Hall Convention Schedule

The Branch Hall will operate on an alternative schedule during the days of the National Convention beginning Monday, August 05 thru Friday, August 09.  


Members may contact the hall by phone, 7:30 AM – 4 PM Monday thru Friday during the week of the Convention.  The uniform closet likewise will not be open during the Convention.

Union Hall Convention Schedule

The Branch Hall will operate on an alternative schedule during the days of the National Convention beginning Monday, August 05 thru Friday, August 09.  


Members may contact the hall by phone, 7:30 AM – 4 PM Monday thru Friday during the week of the Convention.  The uniform closet likewise will not be open during the Convention.